
Hardware-control is a Python package for controlling laboratory equipment, a task we do every day in our lab. Specifically, these include power supplies, scopes, and many other instruments that work using (slow) communication of read and write statements to an instrument. Hardware that currently will not work well with this code base are, for example, live streaming cameras or any other instrument that relies on a fast readout and communication between the program and the instrument. Also, since our use cases are the experiments we run, we normally only deal with a moderate amount of instruments (which can be connected to different computers). If you want to scale this to hundreds of instruments your mileage may vary ;)

The package has been developed to replace LabVIEW for instrument control in the Ion Beam Technology group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

The main goal is to provide easily re-usable user interfaces to control a wide range of hardware. We try to reduce the amount of code a user has to write and try to make it easy to combine different hardware in a single graphical user interface. For example, we try to provide a single user interface widget for all kinds of power supplies.

Furthermore, the program will also run if one or several of the instruments are not connected, and the program will automatically detect once an instrument connects. To isolate the different instruments and prevent blocking of the main application, each instrument is controlled by a separate thread.

Hardware-control consists of three fundamental parts:

  1. A collection of different instrument drivers. A driver mainly has to implement a few functions:

    • A way to create a communication channel to the instrument.

    • A list of commands (not all commands the instrument can handle need to be implemented). We decided to map each command to a custom name, which enables us to write UI controls that only rely on these custom names and therefore can be reused for different instruments.

    In the program, the user will create a python instance of a driver for each instrument the user wants to control.

    The actual drivers can rely on different communication protocols, e.g. sockets, modbus, usb connection and use different python libraries to connect to the instruments, for example, pyvisa.

    When a user adds an instrument driver to the app, the code will automatically create a background thread and set up communication channels between the main Qt-app and the driver using ZMQ. The communication follows a simple ASCII protocol to set and read values that gets triggered by the user interacting with the UI or by an automated timer. The drivers then translate those requests into the actual commands that need to be sent to the instrument.

  2. A collection of Qt instrument interfaces. Here, several different instrument drivers might use the same user interface. This is achieved by naming the instrument commands in the different instrument drivers consistently.

  3. A set of custom Qt Widgets that can easily access and display data from the instruments. For example, these can be used to easily plot measured values versus time or create logfiles of data that are automatically acquired every second. These are basically copies of standard Qt Widgets with some extra code that connects, for example, the text of a QtLabel to the read value of a parameter in an instrument and allows automatic updates by the main app.

We try to follow the model-view-controller approach. To achieve this, we store all the instrument settings and values the instruments report in a model in the main app. When an instrument reports a new value, the value in the model gets updated, and all the widgets that display this value get updated automatically. Widgets only use the latest data in the model, and therefore never directly talk to instruments. This makes the UI responsive since there is no delay from the instrument. Instrument data can automatically be updated through a timer to keep the model up to date. The downside of this approach is that the data can be slightly outdated, which, for our use cases, is not an issue, but might be for your applications.

We found that this approach makes it easy to write new drivers, while at the same time keep the flexibility of writing custom Qt applications with all the features that come with Qt. Providing the same user interface for different drivers makes it easy to add new instruments and provide a more uniform interface to the user.